We would love for you to take a second and take a look into who we are. We feel that the better you get to know us the more comfortable you will feel while you visit. Give us a look and feel free to let us know if you have any questions. Thanks so much for visiting us today!
Start with Alpha!
Alpha is a place to explore life and the Christian faith in a friendly, open, and informal environment. Everyone is welcome, no matter your background.
Confession and Adoration Times
Saturday: 3:00 - 4:00 pm
First Friday of the Month: 9 am - 7 pm
Introducing Family Faith Formation
Check out the new Family Faith Formation program!
Want to come to Mass but can't make it to church? Click here to watch our Sunday Mass wherever you are!
Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church and School is a neighborhood parish serving the Lake Nokomis and Diamond Lake communities. Whether you are searching for a new church, a rebirth into the Catholic faith, a school rooted in Catholic tradition and academic excellence, or simply want to worship with us. You're invited to take a closer look.
“We were lovingly invited into serving in a number of ways that fit our gifts and ability to give. Through faith formation and relationships, our children have grown to know their Catholic faith, be generous with their gifts and most especially grow in the relationship with God."
Recent Blog Posts
In the midst of the Second Vatican Council, Pope John XXIII wrote the often-missed apostolic constitution Veterum Sapientia (On the Promotion of the Study of Latin), reminding the Church of the many benefits of the language. Quoting Pius XI, he notes that Latin is beneficial because it is universal, immutable, and non-vernacular. Recently, I’ve become more convinced that Latin can be a unifying force in our universal Church by the witness of high schoolers.
I have been on both sides of the therapy office: the therapist and the patient. Years ago, before becoming a licensed therapist, I was the patient—a 22-year-old Philosophy major and a self-proclaimed Agnostic. At the time, I doubted that spirituality had anything to do with my problems or mental health. I now believe that spiritual practice and mental health are inextricably linked.
On Good Friday, March 29, 2024, OLP will offer the Tenebrae Liturgy at 7 pm. The liturgy is named for the scripture passage from Matthew 27:45: “Tenebrae Facte Sunt,” or “shadows fell.” In the scriptures, this is a period of Jesus’ most intense suffering from noon to 3 pm when darkness covers the land and Jesus cries out, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”
Every year during Advent, the Our Lady of Peace community participates in a charitable giving drive entitled "Fill the Crib." During this time members of our community bring in items suitable form mothers and their infants and toddlers. The donations are brought to Tandem Family Resource Center for distribution to those in need. During the Advent and Christmas season, we will share stories from mothers who have been impacted by Tandem.